About Nebbi Diocese

Words from the Bishop

I welcome you all to Church of Uganda Nebbi Diocese in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Church of Uganda Nebbi Diocese is a faith-based organisation. We are a trustee of the province of Church of Uganda. Our aim is to follow the example of Jesus Christ so that people may experience the love of God and grow spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, economically and institutionally. We use our locally available resources and get support of partners to reach over 450 churches and hundred thousands of people in Zombo, Nebbi and Pakwach districts, here in rural Uganda. The key secrets to our work are that we promote development beyond religious, tribal and any line of sectarianism. We walk the values we preach and learn every day. That is how we have been able to reconcile many people to Jesus Christ. That is how we have been able to support our Local Governments to develop several communities. That is how our partners, local and international, have been able to realise value for money in our work. And is always our pleasure to see that God-to-man, man-to-man, and man-to-environment relationships are strengthened, every day, with our little efforts.

I invite you to Church of Uganda Nebbi Diocese. To learn more about us through this media. To pray with us. To volunteer your service with us. To donate resources for specific causes your heart leads you, as individuals, groups and institutions such as churches, businesses and non-governmental organisations. It is my personal conviction that your creator will bless you abundantly for your self-less service, for I have prayed for you in the name our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

History of the Diocese

The Diocese was curved out of Madi and West Nile Diocese and born on the 24 October 1993 by dividing the then Goli Archdeaconry into four Archdeaconries with 31 parishes. The starting Archdeaconries that added the Deanery a few years later included Jonam (now in Pakwach District), Padyere (in Nebbi District), Goli Central (now in Zombo and Nebbi Districts) and Okoro (now in Zombo district). The first Bishop of Church of Uganda Nebbi Diocese was Rtd. Rt. Rev. Dr. Henry Luke Orombi who later became the Arch Bishop of the Province of Church of Uganda in the year 2004 and retired in the year 2012. He now runs Jesus is Lord Ministry Programs.

The Second Bishop of Nebbi Diocese was the Late Rt. Rev. Alphonse Ulunya Wathokudi who took over office in the year 2003 and died on the 8th January 2021. He was succeeded by the current Bishop, His Lordship Rt. Rev. Ozelle Awinjo Pons who was consecrated on the 16th January 2022 at St. Stephen’s Cathedral, Goli. Rt. Rev. Pons comes with a wealth of experience as a Diocesan Administrator, Diocesan Secretary, Archdeacon, Parish Priest, Chaplain, Lecturer, and Chairperson Board of a number of Organisations and a Technical Associate of an International Development Program. Bishop Pons is very passionate about Children, Youth and Women Ministries, Mission and Evangelism, Education, Community Development and Quality partnership relations.


As a Church, we want to follow the example of Jesus Christ so that people may experience the love of God and grow spiritually, mentally, physically, socially, economically, and institutionally.

In our strategic plan for 2022-2026, we wish to focus on the following strategic objectives:

Strategic Objective 1
Increasing membership by at least 25% over the period
Strategic Objective 2
60% of Church membership saved and Confessing Christians (Rom 10:1, 9-11, John 3:3, 7)
Strategic Objective 3
Church Leaders identify and rely on the spiritual gifts of members
Strategic Objective 4
Improved social services (spiritual, social and economic) delivery in COU
Strategic Objective 5
Church has legal ownership and full control of its education, health and other facilities
Strategic Objective 6
Church generates funds locally
Strategic Objective 7
Effective environmental management
Strategic Objective 4
Church Increases its influence in public engagements on both the national and international scene

Our team

A section with the picture of the of the heads of departments and their roles.

Heads of Department
Rt. Rev Pons Awinjo OzelleBishop of Nebbi Diocese
Rev. Ungii ChristopherDiocesan Secretary
Mr. Agenonga SamuelDiocesan Treasurer
Mr. Olama Umani StanleyEducation
Rev. Okumu Robert OgenoMission and Outreaches
Mr. Jalar SundayHousehold and Community Transformation
Sr. Eunice KimHealth
Heads of Units
Venerable Canon Joseph Abdalla OnimArchdeacon, Padyere
Venerable Canon Owiny CharlesArchdeacon, Jonam
Rev Ogenmungu AlfredArch deacon, Okoro
Rev Oweka JimmyArchdeacon Goli Central
The Ver Revd Ephraim Jagen Alianathe Dean of St. Stephen's Cathedral
Rev. Pikwo ReubenBishop's chaplain
Oronya InnocentChrist the King Fm
Pastor SongBiku Retreat Centre
Dr. Emmanuel OmiaGoli Health Centre IV
Ms. Namanya CarolynChildren and Youth Ministry
Mr. Rwothomio JeremyProjects Office/Monitoring and Evaluation
Adokowun ScoviaGirl-child Education
Opar VioletFamily Life
Mono CarolineWomen Revolving Funds
Opoka PeterEstate and Lands
Dhugira SundayWomen Vocational Training Centre