Kucwiny Integrated Food security Project
The project promotes food security in Kucwiny sub county, Nebbi district through promotion of food production using modern agronomic practices, and self-help groups and village saving schemes. The project is supported by World Renew/ Canadian Food Grain Bank.
•Project Goal: Improved house hold food security. This is being done through Agricultural, gender trainings, savings and loans aspect.
1 . Enhancing knowledge and skills in conservation agriculture through the Farmer Field Schools approach.
2. Promoting Village Savings and Loans to strengthen household access to income.
3. Addressing gender related agricultural practices that limit productivity through the training of gender champions.

Pagisi/Olyeko One Village Transformed Project
The project promotes food security by increasing availability of food through modern agronomic practices, increasing access to food through savings and credits from personal and self-help group’s account, increasing accessibility of food by breaking barriers of gender, and improving food utilisation through access and use of safe water, sanitation and hygiene facilities at households and institutions. Additionally, the project focuses on building capacity of the youth and all vulnerable groups to move out of poverty to abundance through skills trainings, bible studies, and reproductive health sensitisation. They promote the SHIRES philosophy in development: Spirit-led, Holistic, Inclusive, Reproducing, Empowerment and Sustainability in all its interventions. The project also supports local churches in intuitional development. This project is funded by World Concern (Kenya/USA).

Fathers’ Family Ministry
The fathers’ family ministry is supported by Go Africa. The purpose of the project is to strengthen Christian family life and promote holistic development of the Christian families. They identify needy children from communities and support the caregivers to raise the children in a God-fearing way and achieve holistic development of the child with focus on different domains such as legal protection, education, food and nutrition security, financial literacy, shelter and care and spiritual vitality.
Child Development Centres
Compassion International supports our church to run child development Centres in our local churches in Koch, Amor, Otal, Adusi and Alala. They carry out child sponsorship, promotion of child health, and spiritual empowerment