Mission and Outreaches
Objective: To fulfil Christ’s mission through holistic teaching, evangelism, discipleship and healing for healthy and Godly nations.
Core functions
- Baptism and confirmation
- Marriage – pre and post marital counseling
- Church ministers’ empowerment
- Family life ministries– parenting / family counseling and guidance/ (MU / FU/ CWF/ CMF / Newlyweds / Young couples)
- Evangelism and discipleship – Clergy and lay reader empowerment / Church planting and growth / stewardship / liturgy and Christian literature development and review
- Youth ministry (in and out of formal school) -discipleship/ mentoring, economic empowerment
- Children church
- Christian Moslem Relations – Christian awareness / outreach to Muslims
- Promotion of CoU Christian values Prayer, healing and deliverance ministry

Household and Community Transformation
- To empower and facilitate households and communities to realize and harness their potential for sustainable development.
- To promote and ensure sustainable utilization, development and effective management of natural resources for socio-economic development in the province
- Develop policies on natural resources, food security(income), Disaster Risk
- Management
Core functions
- Enhance Food and income security
- Promote Agriculture and forestry
- Natural resource management
- Climate change and environmental management
- Disaster risk management and rehabilitation
- Displaced person’s support
- Peace and social justice

Audit and Assurance Services
- To foster compliance to National and CoU regulations, policies, systems and procedures
- Ensure effectiveness of internal control systems and internal audit functions in CoU
- Improved and sustained quality in activities
- Report on Value for money procurements and in operations
- Risk management
- Fraud investigation
Core functions
- Audit (internal and external)
- Compliance matters (statutory obligations, CoU policies, canons, regulations, and national laws)
- Internal control processes and control level risks
- Risk management
- Frauds, investigations and spot checks
- Audit Capacity building

Estates and Land Management
- Formulate, review and implement policies, strategies and programmes in the land sectors
- Set land development standards
- Manage and plan for the sustainable use of church land
Core functions
- Ensure sustainable and effective use and management of land for socio-economic gain of the church
- Land survey and mapping (registration and titling)
- Land and property evaluation
- Land and property management (CCHCL)

Management Services
Objective: To support the provision of overall leadership/management in CoU and the promotion of good governance
Core functions
- To develop and manage enabling policies, laws and regulations
- Guide and provide effective technical support, supervision, monitoring and evaluation to various directorates
- To provide effective legal counsel and representation of CoU
- To provide effective and efficient Human Resource and administration interventions to Directorates.
- To develop and implement a Communication Strategy to create greater awareness of the Church Vision, Mission, Core Values and work programs
- Staff capacity building
- Legal and CoU trustee’s services
- Human Resource Management – Recruitment and retention procedures/ performance management /welfare / Succession planning/ Continuous Professional Development
- Support supervision / Monitoring and Evaluation
- Data management
- Procurement and logistics
- Administration services (record keeping/archives/secretarial)
- Fleet management
- Security management
- Communication and media
- ICT and MIS development and management
- Partnership management (Government/ Para-church organizations / umbrella organizations / FBO/ NGOs/Friends of CoU/
- Provincial /Diocesan Secretariat relationships

Objective: To offer overall direction, leadership and development of all health-related activities in CoU at various levels
Core functions
- Public Health - Health education/ HIV/AIDS/Malaria/WASH/SRH/Epidemics/ Family health / Communicable disease management
- Inspection/quality assurance in health facilities
- Medical logistics and supply chain management
- Health system strengthening (Leadership & Governance, HRH, HMIS, health infrastructure)
- Clinical services
- Health research and documentation

Finance, Planning and Investment
- Mobilize financial resources both locally and externally for the province
- Provide overall management of CoU finances including preparation of CoU budget, revenue and expenditure management
- Develop and roll out an efficient financial management system that supports CoU business
- Coordinate the development of CoU master strategic plan(s)
- Develop and monitor appropriate policies
- Develop, review and update of CoU Investment Plan
- Formulate policies and strategies aimed at generating revenue for the church
- Resource mobilization
- Develop, oversee and implement the Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS)

Objective: To provide, direct, support, guide, regulate and promote accessible, equitable quality Education service and enhance theological education and ministerial formation in CoU.
Core functions
- Curriculum development and management inspectorate
- Quality and standards management in CoU education institutions at all levels
- Governance and leadership development in CoU education
- Ensure appropriate resourcing
- Schools /colleges/tertiary institutions and university establishment and ownership (and branding of ‘CoU’)
- Education infrastructure development
- Education policies development and implementation
- Promotion of CoU values in education institutions
- Education Information Management Systems development and management
- Support Theological Education, Training, and Ministerial Formation
- Education matters advocacy
Family Life